Wednesday, April 22, 2009


I decided this morning that I would get back into this blogging thing....I've been keeping up with MckMama and I love reading her posts. But I guess as I thought more about it, blogs aren't the place where I tell you poor people what has happened during my day. For if that were the case then you might as well have just been a parasite on me and been there! But rather this is a place for me to share thoughts and feelings from the day and maybe something cool that happened (as if my life included stuff like that!).
As I was getting ready for work this morning I was reading the myspace status of my other half. I don't even remember what exactly it said now, but it touched my soul. He is always so kind and is usually patient with me. He takes time to listen to what I have to say and he does his very best to calm me down and cheer me up when I let the world overwhelm me. So as I read this I decided that I needed to let him know how much I appreciate what he does. I did what anyone of my age would do, I left him a comment! I know, that's kinda cheesy and it goes against what I said a few weeks ago about how myspace and facebook are not the place where I proclaim my love for him to the world. And it still isn't, but I know how much it means to him that I show people every once in a while.
Maybe I should rewind and let you know that lately I haven't been in the best mood......I've been crazy irritable and somewhat stressed for no reason. I get upset over almost everything and I cry a lot....So, he does what he can to make me feel better. Well, last night my wonderful roommate decided that she wanted to interrupt my phone conversation with my other half. I had been venting to him about how I was annoyed that I never got time in the apartment alone and she and her boyfriend were always here and always just laid around and I guess part of it is jealousy, but she could be a little more respectful knowing how it makes me feel. Anyway, I was venting on the phone about it again, as I often do to the poor guy, and she took it upon herself to walk in and confront me about how I felt. I don't like confrontation to begin with, so that really got to me. And the fact that I was on the phone trying to have a conversation really sent me over the edge. So she went on and on about how if I have a problem then I need to be talking to her about it because she can't fix it if she doesn't know it's a problem. Fine, but I have TWO weeks left....I can suck it up for a little bit longer and you can just keep doing what you're doing.
When she finally left me alone I had to get off the phone because I was so upset. I cried for a good 30 minutes and I mean a hard cry. I was gasping for air and holding my breath so as not to sob too loudly. I gave myself a worse headache than I had to begin with! After I finally got back on the phone my other half was quick to change the subject and get my mind on something else. I really owe it to him, being in the right mind set before bed has some effect on the next day. That isn't a proven fact, but I've found it to be true in my life. When I go to bed mad, I find a reason to be mad when I get up.
So, good mood before bed= good mood when I got up! I had to work today but I left the apartment somewhat happy and I did my best to maintain the happiness all day. I've now been studying entomology for a couple of hours and have decided I'm done. I thought a break would help so I did a "short" phone call, but now I don't want to go back to studying....I took excellent notes as I studied though, so I think I'll get up "early" like I have been and get ready and then study a little bit before my exam at 9:30! Wish me luck!

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