Monday, May 4, 2009


This post is so aptly named as it is finals week here at Purdue University. It's been a long road and a pretty tough semester but we made it. Spring is here and there are more than enough things to think about and do to help prolong the procrastination. Unfortunately, this post is not about finals at all. Or any exam. It's about the trials and tribulations that God puts us through. You see I've spent a few hours in the car recently, driving home, and I've spent a few hours lying awake a night when I should be sleeping so I feel I have had enough time to contemplate and entertain a few possibilities that I believe to be mostly true.

As I've mentioned before I am in a long distance relationship and we are currently on week 3 of a 6 week stint without each other. So far so good. But I miss him like crazy! We've been together a whopping 5 months already and we're still going strong. My roommate and her boyfriend see each other constantly, or close to that much. And honestly, I'm incredibly jealous. I don't like to admit my jealous feelings, but they're hard to hide sometimes. I don't find it fair that she gets to spend every evening with him and then they stay the night together while I have to settle for phone calls and text messages. But I know that only good things will come of this. For I believe that God does things for a reason. My thoughts for the reasoning behind this? I think that God wants us to be able to cherish every last minute that we have to actually spend together. He is forcing us to be apart and adapt to that so when we are together we take advantage of it that much more.

As I lay in bed sometimes and see my roommate with her boyfriend I don't think they really appreciate the time they have together and sometimes I'd love to tell her that he can't stay. I imagine her using an excuse like "I'm about to spend a week in Florida and I won't get to see him." To which I would respond that I never get to see my other half. But I know that God has a plan for this, all of it. He wants us to be able to really cherish our time and not to take advantage of it.

Honestly, I started this a few weeks ago and I think this is mostly what I wanted to put and I have other things on my mind that I want to blog about, so this is the end of this.

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